Rick Ross Faces Criticism for Car Show Due to Lengthy Lines and Refund Requests

Over the weekend, Rick Ross faced backlash for the way his car and bike show was conducted, with attendees expressing dissatisfaction and calling for refunds. The 2024 edition of Ross’s annual car and bike show took place in Fayetteville, Georgia, but instead of being a fun-filled event, many guests had a negative experience. Complaints included a shortage of shuttle buses, long wait times to enter the event, and reports that the event ran out of wristbands, preventing ticket holders from gaining entry.

One dismayed attendee took to Instagram to share their disappointment, stating, “I didn’t get a chance to go inside because of the shuttle services and the extremely long lines. I spent my hard-earned money and was let down.” Another person commented on the excessive wait time for shuttles, criticizing the lackluster security that allowed line-cutting. They concluded by vowing not to attend the event again due to these issues.