Grandmaster Caz Shocks Will Smith During Interview: ‘All My Style Comes from Grandmaster Caz’

Will Smith, despite his superstar status, recently found himself starstruck during an interview on Sway In The Morning. The Bad Boys actor was caught off guard by the appearance of Grandmaster Caz, one of his biggest rap inspirations. Smith had been praising Caz for laying the blueprint for his iconic Fresh Prince persona, revealing that his entire style was based on Caz’s influence. He even admitted that he wanted to rap like Caz after hearing his verse on ‘Yvette.’

In a surprising twist, as Smith began rapping Caz’s second verse from the 1985 song, the legend himself made a surprise entrance into the interview. Smith couldn’t hide his excitement as he introduced Caz as the “full, complete and total inspiration for the Fresh Prince,” before warmly embracing his idol.

It’s moments like these that remind us that even celebrities like Will Smith can still be in awe of their idols. The genuine admiration and respect between Smith and Grandmaster Caz was truly heartwarming to witness. It just goes to show that no matter how successful you become, you never forget the people who inspired you along the way.