Video: Rick Ross assaulted following Kendrick’s Drake diss being played in Canada

An unidentified person can be heard in recently leaked footage asking, “You got a problem?” as Ross appears to be near the stage, but not on it. In the midst of the growing crowd, Kendrick’s “Not Like Us” blares in the background.

The video captures someone demanding for the music to be shut off, along with cries asserting that this is “our city.” It remains uncertain at this point who specifically was involved in the confrontation with Ross.

The tense atmosphere at the event is palpable as tensions seem to rise between different parties. The video offers a glimpse into the chaotic scene as voices can be heard expressing discontent and ownership over the situation.

Despite the cacophony of voices and conflicting energies in the room, the exact details of what led to this confrontation are still unclear. The footage serves as a snapshot of a moment filled with intensity and unclear motivations.